Anonymous Impls
Two Ways Not to Move
Some Rough Thoughts on Rust Project Organization
A Rose By Any Other Name
Async Cancellation and Panic
How to Shrink Rust
Rethinking Rust's Function Declaration Syntax
A Mechanism for Async Cancellation
Cancellation and Async State Machines
Ideas on How to Elect Rust Project Directors
An Exercise on Culture
I'm Here to Serve
Lightweight, Predictable Async Send Bounds
Inferred Async Send Bounds
Hello from Eric's Blog Generator
Who Makes the Boxes?
Async Functions in Trait Objects Update
A Look at dyn* Code Generation
Something That Confused Me About Rust Specialization
More Weekly Links
Links For This Week
Paper Review: Safe, Flexible Aliasing with Deferred Borrows
How Async Functions in Traits could Work in Rustc
Perspectives on Async Cancellation
Coming Soon: Primitive Computing
Streaming My 3D Printer to Google Home
Automatic Website Deployment With Docker and Google Cloud Build
When Slow Algorithms Are Faster
Trying Out Octolapse
Fun with Side Channels
How to Convert Recursion to Iteration
Writing a Statement of Purpose
Making a Magical Whereabouts Clock
Migrating to Octopress 3.0
Should You Go to Grad School? Or, Why I'm Glad I Went to Grad School
I'm a doctor now!
Generating Morse Code with JavaScript
Arduino Pong
Monads as a Design Pattern
On Being an Artifact Evaluator
Rust Project Updates
Continuation Passing Style Interpreters
Booting to Rust
Improving the Performance of Harlan's FFI
Using Harlan in C++ Programs
How to write a simple Scheme debugger
Visualizing the Turing Tarpit
Why Write Compilers in Scheme?
Why is Harlan called Harlan?
Announcing the release of Harlan
What is Macro Hygiene?
Some Simple GPU Optimizations
Using Scheme with Travis CI
Some Picky Presentation Tips
Data Parallel Operators
Data Parallel Data Structures
Beware the Logarithms
Patterns with Ellipses
Matching Patterns with Scheme
Access Patterns Matter, Part 2
Access patterns matter
Modeling How Programmers Read Code (via Mike Hansen)
How do we read code?
Optimizing Dot Product
Compiling Rust for GPUs
A Look at Macros in Scheme
A look at GPU memory transfer
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